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When a fashion brand with a cult following steals your client's logo for a hat in its new line, your client is going to want to call their lawyer. That's when you have to step in and say no, don't do that. We have an idea. We wound up hacking a whole audience and growing our Instagram by over 14K new followers over night. We got 75 MM impressions for the brand, we were named Creativity's #1 Brand Idea for the week, won two Clios and got shortlisted at Cannes. No lawyer could have done all that for what we charged.

                                                                                 It started with a tweet.

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                        Then we created a Farmland lookbook with real Farmland farmers modeling Supreme gear.

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                                    We got picked up by the whole "hypebeast" crowd and it took off from there.

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                                                                       The responses we got were amazing.

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                           Both the client and the agency wound up getting serious press from Adweek, Adage, Esquire,                                                          Complex, Creativity along with countless blogs and influencers.

                                                                        You can view the case study here.

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